Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Health Technology Wales (HTW) is working with our partners in health and social care to support the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As the COVID-19 situation is rapidly changing, this page will be regularly updated with new information about the ways we’re working and services we offer.

Evidence reviews and research


Health Technology Wales (HTW) is a Collaborating Partner of the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre, providing research expertise and input to the dedicated centre for COVID-19 pandemic response.

The Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre is funded by Welsh Government through Health and Care Research Wales and is hosted by Cardiff University.  Its  key purpose is to rapidly review and synthesise UK-wide and international research evidence to support decision making by stakeholders involved in health and social care policy and practice.

Reports of the rapid evidence reviews, along with further information, can be found on the  Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre website.

HTW had previously supported the response to the pandemic by contributing to Welsh Government committees and task forces, co-authoring three pan-European collaborative reviews and providing scientific advice to industry.  These reports can be found below.

A graphic that shows a clinician analysing a cell in board

Evidence digest


We’ve produced a digest of links to websites which collate or synthesize evidence relating to COVID-19.  This is a quick guide, and therefore not exhaustive, but it will be updated regularly as required.

Click here to read the latest evidence digest.


Scientific advice


Technology developers and companies who are developing therapeutics and diagnostics related to COVID-19 can receive free scientific advice from HTW.

Our advice can help with a number of aspects of health technology assessments, including; evidence collection, evidence generation, economic modelling etc.

A graphic that shows a map of Wales, a boy with a face mask

Get in touch with HTW about our COVID-19 work

We’re inviting COVID-related research questions, evidence reviews and requests for economics support. Organisations involved in Health Technology Assessments (HTA), guidelines and economic modelling are invited to engage with us to see how we can collaborate and share resources.

Contact us via contact form.

Further advice and resources:


More information about coronavirus disease (COVID-19):