
19 December, 2019

Health Technology Wales’ first Annual Report is here!

Today we’re happy to announce the publication of our Annual Report 2018-2019. It’s our first annual report and highlights what Health Technology Wales has achieved since we were launched in November 2017.

Click here to read the HTW Annual Report 2018-2019 in full.

Welsh Government established Health Technology Wales with a clear purpose, to support the identification, appraisal and adoption of non-medicine technologies that will improve the lives of people in Wales. In the 2018-2019 Annual Report, we show how we’re achieving these key aims: from topic identification with our Open Topic Calls, to our evidence-informed Guidance, to how we’re engaging with our many stakeholders.

We’ve included case studies in each section of the annual report. These are real examples of our activities mapped against our evaluation logic framework to show what difference our work is making. The report also summarises how we have delivered on the Welsh Government recommendations from the 2014 Access to medical technologies in Wales inquiry, a report which led to our foundation.

“Alongside our multi-disciplinary groups, we’re confident that Health Technology Wales is bringing together the right expertise to make a real difference to people’s lives in Wales.” – Professor Peter Groves (HTW Chair) and Dr Susan Myles (HTW Director)

We want to thank everyone who has worked with us and helped us grow into an innovative organisation. We’re excited about the opportunities ahead!

Click here to read the HTW Annual Report 2018-2019 in full.

The launch of this year’s Annual Report coincides with HTW’s Second Anniversary Event, celebrating two years of Health Technology Wales. Join us on Twitter to follow the day as it unfolds: @HealthTechWales