
17 July, 2019

Health Technology Wales launch online stakeholder survey

Health Technology Wales has launched an online stakeholder survey

The Health Technology Wales (HTW) online survey has been launched and we’re welcoming all stakeholders to take part.

As part of our evaluation, we’d like to know how you feel about our work, what you’re able to learn or gain from it and what you do differently as a result.

You can complete the survey anonymously and it should only take around 10 minutes from start to finish.

Click here to open the survey.

About Health Technology Wales

Health Technology Wales is a national organisation working to improve the quality of care in Wales. We appraise ‘non-medicines’ health technologies; such as medical devices, surgical procedures or psychological therapies. We identify and evaluate the best available evidence, and publish Guidance on whether the technology should be adopted for use in Wales.

We’re funded by Welsh Government and hosted within NHS Wales, but independent of both. We collaborate with partners across health, social care and the technology sectors to ensure an all-Wales approach.