
31 July, 2020

INAHTA launch new international database

The International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) has launched a new international database.

The database contains nearly 17,000 records of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) reports from over 120 different producers around the world. It serves as a resource for locating literature and bibliographic information from a single point of access.

HTAs are used to support evidence-informed decision making, in order to promote an equitable, efficient and high-quality health system.

Click here to visit the international HTA database.

The important international resource was started by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) in 1996. INAHTA took responsibility for the database in 2018 and then undertook the rebuild.

Improvements to the new database include expanded records, streamlined and strengthened search function, and filters for refining search results. Crucially, the database contains records of ongoing HTA projects. This enables funders and researchers to identify work already in progress and may help reduce unintended duplication.

International collaboration

Health Technology Wales (HTW) is a member of INAHTA and was part of an international collaboration to test the database. This included providing high-level advice on the database’s features and functionality.

We’ve also become members of the INAHTA HTA Database Steering Committee and will regularly offer input to the expert advisory group.

Click here to read the case study of our collaboration with INAHTA.