
11 January, 2021

Suspension of HTW appraisal process

A graphic for HTW's COVID-19 work

Taking into consideration the latest developments of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, Health Technology Wales (HTW) has been reviewing the meetings held to support our appraisal and Guidance processes.

We have, unfortunately, taken the decision to suspend our Appraisal Panel meetings and the publication of new national Guidance until further notice.

This decision has been taken to release frontline staff and avoid distracting our colleagues the NHS in this time of unprecedented pressure.

The HTW team will continue our evidence appraisal work, so that we’re ready to formulate national Guidance when it’s appropriate.

We will also continue to liaise with other UK health technology assessment (HTA) partners and key decision makers in Wales to assist with their respective responses to COVID-19.

These measures will be reviewed on a three-weekly basis, in line with the approach of the Welsh Government. We will maintain regular contact with our stakeholders and updates will be published on our website.

Visit our dedicated COVID-19 webpage to see our activities.